Mercury Travels Retrograde

April 17th until May 11th 2010

by Drew Lawrence

It is that time once again. Mercury will travel retrograde or backwards in motion from April 17th until May 11th 2010. This affects everyone and everything on the planet. This period lasts about three weeks and occurs about three times a year. It may have more specific indications with reference to your birth chart, but we will endeavor to give the more general effects below.

Since Mercury is the planet that represents communication, a retrograde Mercury usually brings problems and difficulties with communications, automobiles and vehicles, phone systems, travel, transportation, lost luggage, delayed or cancelled flights, mail delivery, computers, internet connections, information technology, and contractual agreements. It can cause delays, setbacks and last-minute changes in plans and arrangements as well as breakdowns of machinery and equipment. The difficulties are for the most part minor but irritating in nature.

People become more introspective when Mercury is Rx. The thought process has a greater inward focus. People tend to be more thoughtful, contemplative, reflective and meditative. Self-examination is the order of the day. This is the time when the subconscious mind will come to the forefront and the conscious mind will retreat. Knowledge tends to be absorbed as opposed to learned during Rx Mercury. It is a far better time to sort things through in your own mind with your "Self" rather than having that overdue "talk" with your partner or friend since that may lead to miscommunication and not provide the sought-after resolution.

People become slower and more deliberate in their response patterns which is generally a good thing as long as patience is also applied. But this can sometimes create problems in getting your point across. That’s why this is not the best time to make important decisions or enter into negotiations or the signing of contracts, agreements or mortgages. It would be better to lure business clients away from the bargaining table and out to a leisurely lunch. Look for that closing handshake after May 11th.

We realize business must continue and life still goes on but really important matters that can be postponed should be until after May 11th. This is no time to start a business or begin a major project. If it doesn't have to get there tomorrow and it doesn't have to be said today, save it. Have that little "heart-to-heart" with your self instead.

For those of you who like to chant mantras or prayers of protection, then you may want to chant the following Sanskrit mantra to help overcome the adverse effects of Mercury Retrograde. Repeat it a minimum of seven times per day.

"Om shree budhaaya namaha."


Aug. 20. 2010 to Sept.12. 2010

Dec. 10. 2010 to Dec.29. 2010


“Nearly 60% of India & Asia were hit by an Internet outage on Jan 31 that lasted for 2 days, the reason being attributed to a ship's anchor that damaged undersea cables off the coast of Egypt. “

“I received your email on Mercury retrograde, thank you. My network at work has been down almost the whole time. I wonder if it will start working when Mercury goes direct?”

“I had decided that Mercury must have gone retrograde a couple of weeks ago. All the emails I tried to send failed. I tried to use three computers and they all had something wrong with them. I tried to hook up a scanner and nothing worked. I gave up at some point and was afraid to go near anything electronic in case it broke. This usually never happens to me. Thats when it dawned on me that Mercury was moving backwards.”

This wonderful story came from one of my clients in Hawaii:
“You asked for Mercury retrograde stories so here's one. Four mercury retrogrades ago our computer went haywire so we took it to be repaired. A gecko had gotten into the computer and lost it's tail which remained in there interfering with the circuits. The repair guy removed the tail and all was well. Or rather all was well until the next mercury retrograde when an entire gecko entered the computer and fried. This time we could smell it as the computer malfunctioned. The repair guy once again came to the rescue and all was well. Or rather everything was smooth until the next mercury retrograde when the computer just died. But our miracle repair guy brought it back to life. During this last retrograde you came to the rescue with your Mercury retrograde mantra which we chanted at least 7 times a day. The result was no kamikaze gecko's or crashes--in short, computer bliss. I shared the mantra with several people. My mechanic chanted it 15 times a day and my realtor continued to chant it through the retrograde and beyond until my property sale closed and perhaps she chants it still.”

"Thank you for all the info about Mercury Retrograde. I have just returned from South Africa without my luggage which arrived four days later. Interesting!"

"I think I'm finally finishing up with all the spastic deals from the Mercury retrograde period! Only one fell out. The others were pure hell but they closed!"

"Thanks for the email regarding the retrograde Mercury. My patients were all four times more intense that whole period!" Psychologist

"The computer blew up yesterday and I lost my complete hard drive. The iron blew up. The electric gates went on the blink and the switch for all the lights in the kitchen broke. After all this, I blew up!"